How to add Polygon Test Network to MetaMask

Before you get to use our app on Polygon with real funds, we’ve deployed our app on Mumbai Testnet to allow you to explore Pods’ app in Polygon Testnet space.

- Cryptocurrency - How to add Polygon Test Network to MetaMask How to Make NFT Collection

Connecting Mumbai Testnet to your Metamask

Mumbai is not enabled by default on Metamask. We have to add it as one of the connected networks manually.

To use the Mumbai testnet with superfluid, you'll need a RPC URL to connect your metamask or application to a Mumbai node.

  • Go to MetaMask Chrome extention
  • Connect your wallet and click on the dropdown of networks
  • Click on “Add Network”
  • Add the following information in the parameters in blank:


How to Add Custom Networks To MetaMask like Binance and Polygon (MATIC) -  Learn - MetaMask

Metamask Network Parameters

Network Name: Mumbai Testnet
Chain ID: 80001
Currency Symbol: MATIC
Block Explorer URL:

  • Click on “Save” and you’re good to go

After completing these steps you can find the custom network in the dropdown list.

Once you’ve already integrated Mumbai Testnet in your Metamask, let’s get a faucet so you can explore our beta testing on Polygon Testnet. The faucet you are looking for at this point is Mumbai Matic.

Access the following website: and make sure the following parameter are set:

  • Select Token: Matic
  • Network: Mumbai
  • Paste your wallet address
  • Click submit

How to add Polygon Test Network to MetaMask



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